Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blog News

First of all, an apology. Administration interaction with this blog has been lacking lately. This is due to 3 primary reasons: lack of staff, technical difficulties that forced us to ditch all old software and passwords an other important information along with them, and our rep in the mayor's office left her post which left a temporary void in accessing information from them. The good news is that you all kept blogging in and answering each others inquiries, which is primarily what this blog is for.

Now that we have addressed all 3 issues we're ready to roll again. Very soon old comments will yet again be voided. It's been a productive year. Comments which received city support have been added to the "Police and City Responses to Current Issues" link on the sidebar to the right. Check it out if you're interested.

Finally, we are looking to add some fresh topics to our other blog categories, and keep things current. So if you have ideas for it, let us know. You can always email to remain anonymous, and can send us photos via email too. We'd love to start posting topics that have pic's to accompany them.

Thanks and keep blogging!